
Showing posts from 2012

Politics where it doesn't belong

Watts in your wallet.

Around the World on 80 Watts

Removing barriers between us

Share your Passion

Censorship by Algorithm, What are Google and Facebook doing to your world view?

It better be good.

What success is.

The evolution of a project, Being open to greater possibilities

Tips for cameras on the cheap

Frailty and the need for confront

Camera basics in short, how not to frame a shot

My first video for the project "The Colter Files"

The value of multiple cameras

How to create a post on Wordpress.

Lights for filming on the cheap.

Making videos for five

Lost in a fog, A man with the wrong name

What you think you know is keeping you where you are.

Message from Dr. Steven Greer

Zero Point Practical

Knowing who you can trust

Heroes, Power and Obscurity by Suppression