Zero Point Practical
Check out my other blog designed for help and options for the industrious free thinker.
The major corporations sucking the life out of all of us in the form of Gas and energy bills,
do not want you to know
there are better ways to fulfill your own needs in these areas and are driving costs out of reach
and making it harder for us all to survive.
Let's do something about it instead of just succumbing to the system.
Really helping each other where it counts.
I have discovered technologies that are simple, practical and very effective.
I will be sharing those here, promoting them on this and many other pages on the web.
There are many technologies that can make our lives easier and more affordable.
My goal is to make a place to share those
without some hidden agenda
an open discussion format and question answer area that makes it viable for anyone to implement these new technologies on a gradient anyone can understand.
This is a very technical revelatory lecture that says a great deal about where I will be taking this discussion. If you aren't familiar with science and advanced terms in scientific theory you might want to wait until I edit down some of these videos into pertinent digestible pieces for the layman. It would suffice to say that my goal here is not to be overly academic but to give solid reference backing any theories and working prototypes I show. This is the foundation of my argument. Enjoy.
A brief interview with John Bedini. I will be sharing more videos of him and his work here. Personally I feel we all owe him respect for his diligence and patient work in the face of opposition and covert attack. This man has been well established as the pioneer of experimental "open circuit" Radiant Energy. The concept first mentioned by Nikola Tesla in the early 1900's with his Radiant energy antenna patent.
This is one of my personal favorites.
With the basic understanding of how these devices work
One can get plans and build a unit for themselves or support the man who developed the technology by purchasing this kit.
I am not an affiliate for this product.
Nor do I get paid to market for them.
I am just sharing this here because I know it works
and what you can do with these products is up to your own imagination.
The source and place to get more information on these products is here at
Renaissance Charger systems
I have used John Bedini's patent information in my own experiments
and everything I tried worked just like he said.
This is the only source I know of that is approved by him and will support his efforts.
Check it out.
Feel free to make comments here as well.
I would love to open a discussion.
The major corporations sucking the life out of all of us in the form of Gas and energy bills,
do not want you to know
there are better ways to fulfill your own needs in these areas and are driving costs out of reach
and making it harder for us all to survive.
Let's do something about it instead of just succumbing to the system.
Really helping each other where it counts.
I have discovered technologies that are simple, practical and very effective.
I will be sharing those here, promoting them on this and many other pages on the web.
There are many technologies that can make our lives easier and more affordable.
My goal is to make a place to share those
without some hidden agenda
an open discussion format and question answer area that makes it viable for anyone to implement these new technologies on a gradient anyone can understand.
This is a very technical revelatory lecture that says a great deal about where I will be taking this discussion. If you aren't familiar with science and advanced terms in scientific theory you might want to wait until I edit down some of these videos into pertinent digestible pieces for the layman. It would suffice to say that my goal here is not to be overly academic but to give solid reference backing any theories and working prototypes I show. This is the foundation of my argument. Enjoy.
A brief interview with John Bedini. I will be sharing more videos of him and his work here. Personally I feel we all owe him respect for his diligence and patient work in the face of opposition and covert attack. This man has been well established as the pioneer of experimental "open circuit" Radiant Energy. The concept first mentioned by Nikola Tesla in the early 1900's with his Radiant energy antenna patent.
This is one of my personal favorites.
With the basic understanding of how these devices work
One can get plans and build a unit for themselves or support the man who developed the technology by purchasing this kit.
I am not an affiliate for this product.
Nor do I get paid to market for them.
I am just sharing this here because I know it works
and what you can do with these products is up to your own imagination.
The source and place to get more information on these products is here at
Renaissance Charger systems
I have used John Bedini's patent information in my own experiments
and everything I tried worked just like he said.
This is the only source I know of that is approved by him and will support his efforts.
Check it out.
Feel free to make comments here as well.
I would love to open a discussion.
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